February 7, 2025
February 6, 2025
क्रिप्टोको ठगी - Crypto Scam
करेन्सी कारोबारमा संलग्न एक गिरोहलाई प्रहरी पक्राउ गरेको छ। नेपालमा गैरकानुनी रहेको क्रिप्टो कारोबार तथा अनलाइन ठगी गरेको गरेको कसुरमा प्रहरीले काठमाडौंका विभिन्न स्थानबाट सात जनालाई पक्राउ गरेको हो। यो समूहले हालसम्म अभौतिक मुद्राको कारोबार गरेर तीन अर्बभन्दा बढी रकम ठगी गरेको पाइएको छ। यो रकम डिजिटल फरेन्सिक रिपोर्टको विवरणबाट प्राप्त भएको थियो। विभिन्न बैंक तथा डिजिटल वालेट प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई समूहले झुक्याएर बैंक तथा वालेटहरूको आधिकारिक व्यक्ति भन्ने गरेको थियो। प्रयोगकर्ताको ओटिपी/पिन माग गरेर अनाधिकृत रुपमा बैंक तथा वालेटहरूमा यो समूहले पहुँच पुर्याउँथ्यो। यो समूहले सोसल मिडिया ह्वाट्सएप, टेलिग्राम, फेसबुकहरूमा अनलाइन जब पाइने भन्दै ‘घरमै बसेर धेरै कमाउने सकिने’ भनी विज्ञापन गर्ने गरेको थियो।
केही महिना अघि सिङ्गापुरका 20 वर्षको एक व्यक्तिले ३० मिलियन अमेरिकी डलर क्रिप्टोकरेन्सी चोरेको आरोपमा अमेरिका को मायामी समातिएको थियो । रुजा इग्नाटोभा, बुल्गेरियामा जन्मेकी जर्मन व्यवसायी महिला 4 बिलियन यूरोको बिटक्वाइनको सबैभन्दा ठूलो घोटाला गर्ने व्यक्ति हुन्।
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January 10, 2025
Friends of Nepal and former US president Jimmy Carter laid to rest in Plains, Georgia
Former US President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Jimmy Carter passed away at his home in Plains, Georgia, on Sunday (local time) at the age of 100 in December 29. He was laid to rest in his home town after his body was brought to U.S Capital Rotunda this week. He was buried to his beloved wife of 77 years, Rosalynn Carter per his wish.
After leaving the White House, he earned a reputation as a committed humanitarian. He was widely seen as a better former president than he was a president. He announced in 2015 he would build 100 homes in Gairigaun, Chitwan as a part of Habitat for Humanity. However, due to a massive earthquake in Nepal, he had to cancel the plan due to resource constraints. Habitat for Humanity has helped build or improve more than 39 million homes since its founding in 1976 and helped 13.4 million people build or improve homes in 70 countries. It relies in volunteers to build new homes and repairs existing homes.
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January 6, 2025
December 23, 2024
कस्ले जित्छ ?
खरायो र कछुवाको दौड यो कथा हामीले धेरै पटक सुनेका छौं। खरायो उफ्रिन्छ र छिटो दौडन्छ। तर कछुवा, यो एक ढिलो चल्ने जनावर हो, लगभग एक चिप्लेकिरा जस्तै। तर कथामा कछुवाले दौड जित्छ। र कथाको नैतिकता निरन्तरताको मिहिनेतले सफल भैइन्छ भनेको छ । तर वास्तविक जीवनमा यस्तो हुन्छ त ? खरायो र कछुवा बीचको वास्तविक दौड।
यहाँ भिडियो प्रमाण छ, ल हेर्नुस कछुवाले दौड जित्छ।
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December 12, 2024
India drops below Pakistan and Afghanistan in press freedom
The country’s ranking has slipped to 159 out of 180 countries, according to a report released by Paris-based Reporters Without Borders. It's neighboring country Nepal is at 74. However other neighboring countries are in the similar range e.g. Bangladesh is at 165, Pakistan is at 152 and Srilanka is at 150.
“The situation has gone from ‘problematic’ to ‘very bad’ in three other countries: Tajikistan down to 155th, India down to 159th and Turkey down to155th.
Even Taliban-led Afghanistan and crisis-hit Pakistan fared better at 152 and 150 respectively. Norway topped the ranking.
India’s slide has come amid many developments in the country that may indicate a shrinking of space for free media.
For instance, the British broadcaster BBC is under severe pressure from prime minister Narendra Modi’s government. It was subjected to income tax raids and a forex-related probe after it carried a documentary scathing of Modi for his alleged role in the Gujarat 2002 in 2023.
If big media like BBC has trouble in India, how about the situation of small medias and bloggers?
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