December 5, 2015

India's Blockade to Nepal is an Act of Terrorism

Before pointing finger to India, lets look at the definition of terrorism. has three meaning of terrorism. 1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes, 2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization. 3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government. Now lets see what is going on in Nepal. Currently 28 million Nepalese are suffering from inadequate food and medicine supplies since last three months due to India's blockade. In other words they are in the state of fear and worried and they do not know what their next day will look like. Its very clear that India's Blockade of food and essential materials to Nepal is an Act of Terrorism.

Every Nepalese is stating Indian Government is blocking all the supplies to Nepal. But the Indian Government is claiming that the problem lies in Nepal and supply trucks cannot reach Nepal due to the political unrest. Its not true the blockade is 100%.  Less than 10% of food and petroleum supplies are passing through Indian Checkpoints. Here is the pondering question: How the 10% of the supplies are transporting to Nepal without any problem but remaining 90% of the supplies cannot shipped to Nepal due to the political unrest? Its crystal clear that the problem lies in India, not in Nepal and the Indian Government is directly involved.

The Government of India has hidden interest and they are mobilizing Madeshi leaders from southern Nepal who are loyal to India. In fact they are not only loyal, they are from Indian decent who speak and dress like Indian people. These Madeshi leaders are creating a mob and blocking the supply gate and terrorizing Nepalese people by disrupting food and essential supplies. How come a mob can stop the supply gate in India without the help of Indian Government? There are a lot of questions on this blockade and only the Indian Government has the answer.

Last month, 19 people were killed in Paris by terrorists who were trained in Syria. In 2008, 166 people were killed in Mumbai by terrorists who were trained in Pakistan. From September 2015 to this date, 28 million Nepalese people may die any day due to Madeshi leaders terrorizing Nepalese who trained in India. 

November 25, 2015

मेरो देशका मोदीहरू!

मेरो देशका मोदीहरू!

मोदी जस्तो मित्र र भारत जस्तो छिमेकी कसैको नहोस्, सबैलाई शुभकामना !
देशभित्रका मोदीहरूले देश कसरी लुटेका छन् ? 
* देशले ६ वटा उपप्रधानमन्त्री बेहोर्नु परेको छ । २५ जनाभन्दा बढी मन्त्री नहुने संविधानमा भएको व्यवस्थालाई लगौंटी बनाएर मन्त्री थपिएको छ । 
*संविधान बनाउनका लागि भनेर जम्मा गरिएका ६०१ जना स्वतः सभासदमा परिणत भएका छन् । यत्रो संख्यालाई देशले कति बर्ष पाल्नु पर्ने हो ? केले पाल्ने हो ? 
*एउटा सभासद् उर्फ सांसदको पालनपोषणमा देशले सरदर वार्षिक १८ खर्च गर्नु परेको छ । यस्तो देशले दैनिक ६ करोड रुपैया सरदर विदेशी ऋण पनि चुक्ता गर्नु पर्ने वाध्यता छ भने यो देशको हालत के होला ?
देशले डरलाग्दो अवस्था भोग्नु परेको छ, यस्तो बेलामा सरकारी खर्च घटाउने, राज्य सञ्चालनका लागि न्यूनतम संख्या र सुविधामा बसेर राष्ट्रोन्नती र स्वावलम्बनको बाटोमा हिडेर उदाहरण बन्नु पर्नेमा राजनीतिको कथित नेतृत्वले मिलोमतोमा दिन दुगुना रात चौगुना देश लुटिएरहेको छ । हिजो पनि यस्तै थियो, आज पनि यस्तै छ र यो पुस्ता रहेसम्म यस्तै रहन्छ । देशका बाछाहरु सधैं भोका छन् ।
सेतोपाटीमा ताजा लेख, मेरो देशका मोदीहरू !

October 23, 2015

नाकावन्दीको दसैँ

इन्जिनियर राकेश कार्की
लस एन्जेलस

बा आमा आउन पाइन
तेल छैन बसैमा
नाकावन्दीले नदिने भो
टीको थाप्न दसैँमा

प्लेन पनि आउन छोड्यो
ठूल्दाई अड्किनु भो दिल्लीमा
वर्षौँ पछि वल्ल आको
दसैँको बेला विचल्लीमा

दिदीवहिनी पनि आउँछु भन्थे
खुसी हुँदै दसैँको वेला
आज भोली भन्दा भन्दै
छीमेकिले कहिले बाटो देला

मन सधैँ आफ्नो प्यारो
गाउँको घरैमा
रित्तो सिलिन्डर सुम्सुमाउदै
एक्लै डेरैमा

October 16, 2015

गाउँखाने कथा ५६ (Nepali #Gaukhane #Katha)

सप्ताहान्तको समय पारेर नेपालीलाई मनपर्ने गाउँखाने कथा(Gau Khane Katha) लिएर हाँजिर भएको छ।

छन पनि छ हुन पनि हो,
खोज्दा पनि पाइंदैन, चाइंदा पनि चाइंदैन, के हो?

यो गाउँखाने कथाको उत्तर पत्ता लगाएर गाऊँ माग्नुहोला। उत्तर जान्न गाह्रो परे अनुमान लगाएर भए पनि रमाईलो लिनुहोला। नेपाली भाषा र सामाजिक जीवनको मौलिकपन झल्काउने अन्य रमाइला सामग्री भए , प्रस्तुत गर्नुहोला।

September 30, 2015

A letter to Indian People & Intellectuals

Dear Friends,

Probably, you all are aware of the blockade imposed by India to Nepal. It’s a blockade by a largest democratic country to the forever sovereign, free & youngest democratic republic country; it’s a blockade by an emerging giant to a landlocked country; it’s a blockade by one to another who are destined to be same from many aspects; it’s a blockade of one to another who are forever nearest & dearest; shockingly, it’s a blockade of humanity, it’s a blockade of right to live.

The Indian action is just came in front after we promulgated our long awaited constitution from the constitution assembly with the vote of 91 percent members. It is really historic, nowhere in the world the constitution was promulgated with such a big vote from people’s representative. Being a neighbor, India was expected first to welcome our decision, but there is opposite. Due to the current unrighteous action, taking account of purely internal matter, almost all Nepalese are facing difficulties, so many industries are about to close, so many schools, colleges, hospitals are facing problems, so many public service centers are facing complications, so many child and women are suffering.  Being born to smile, Nepalese people are still smiling and facing the challenges as well as giving strength to the government not to back from the decision of more than 90 percent people’s representative.

May 13, 2015

Can scientists predict earthquakes?

No, and it is unlikely they will ever be able to predict them. Scientists have tried many different ways of predicting earthquakes, but none have been successful. On any particular fault, scientists know there will be another earthquake sometime in the future, but they have no way of telling when it will happen. (Source:

भूकम्पले सिथील बनाएको नेपालीलाई धेरै ज्ञानी अज्ञानी ब्यक्तीले खबर, समाजीक संजाल, संचार आदीबाट भूकम्पको ज्ञान बाडिरहेका छन। ति मद्दे खतरनाक बुद्दीजीबी हुन फेरी ठूलो भूइंचालो यता अथवा उता आउंदैछ भन्नेहरु। पानी, हुरी जसरी भूइचालो पूर्वअनुमान गर्न सकिदैन र भूकम्पको हावा गफ दिने बुद्दीजिबीबाट टाढै बस्नुहोला।

 भूकम्पबाट जोगीने एउटै उपाय हो भूकम्प आउंदा सुरक्षित ठाउमा ओत लिने।

April 28, 2015

Nepal Earthquake: many ways to help!

You can help the earthquake victims in Nepal by donating fund to various organization given below.
To donate directly to the particular organization, please click this here.
Please share this post with others and encourage them to donate to the Nepal's earthquake victims.
#HelpNepal  #HelpEarthquakevictims

Goal of these voluntary organizations:

UNICEF: UNICEF provides humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.
Internal Medical Corps: Internal Medical Corps works to relieve the suffering to those impacted by war, natural disaster and disease by delivering vital health care services.
Doctors Without Borders: Doctors Without Borders treats people where the need is greatest.
Red Cross Society: Red Cross works to protect human life and health.
United Nations World Food Programme (WFP): WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting for hunger.
Save the Children: Save the Children invests in childhood - everyday, in time of crisis and for the future.
Oxfam: Oxfam works to create lasting solutions to poverty, hunger and injustice.

This support page is prepared by Nepali Blog Dautari (