February 28, 2010

Cities on faultline are 'rubble in waiting' ( बिनाश पर्खिँदै गरेका शहरहरू ) du included)

गत महिना हैटी र भर्खरै चिलिमा गएको भुकम्प पछि भूकम्प सम्बन्धि चर्चा अचानक बढेको छ । हाम्रो नेपाल र राजधानी काठमाण्डु भूकम्पीय जोखिमका कारण अबको सम्भावित दूर्घटना केन्द्र बन्न सक्ने अनुमान जतासुके पढ्न पाइन्छ । तल उद्धरण गरिएको न्यूयोर्क टाइम्सको लेखले हाम्रो राजधानी र काठमाण्डु निकट भविष्यमा आउन सक्ने भुकम्पको केन्द्र बन्न सक्ने स्थितिलाई औँलाएको छ। यसको कारण नेपाल र काठमाण्डु भुकम्पीय जोखिमले फल्ट लाइन मानिएको क्षेत्रमा भएर मात्र नभई यहाँ रहेको अव्यवस्थित र योजनाबिहीन घना आवादी र आधारभुत सेवा र सुविधाको अभावका कारणहरू बढी ज्वलन्त कारक बन्न सक्ने कुराहरूलाई औँलाइएको छ ।

भोलिको यो सम्बावित त्रासदिबाट जोगिन उपयुक्त पाइला चाल्न सकियोस् भन्ने हेतूले , यो लेखको सारलाई बुझेर तदनुसारको चेतना फैलाउन सकियोस् भनी यहाँ यसको उद्धरण गरिएको हो ।

यो लेखले संसारका केही घना र अव्यवस्थित आवादी भएका भूकम्पीय केन्द्रमा अवस्थित शहरहरू- पाकिस्तानको कराँची, नेपालको काठमाण्डु, इरानको तेहरान , टर्कीको इस्तानबुल र पेरुको लिमालई - विसेष गरी औँल्याएको देखिन्छ। विज्ञ लेखकहरूले दर्शाएको यो चेतावनि लेखलाई हामीले हाम्रो भोलिको संभावित खतरातर्फ सचेत गराएको रूपमा लिएर सतर्कता अपनाउन सक्यौँ भने त्यो निकै बुद्दिमानीपूर्ण हुनेछ।

आगामी अंकमा भुकम्पीय जोखिम र बिनाश न्यूनिकरणका केही चर्चाहरू लिएर उपस्थित हुनेछौँ ।

( Published in new York Times 24 February 2010 )

Published: February 24, 2010

ISTANBUL — As he surveys the streets of this sprawling mega-city, Mustafa Erdik, the director of an earthquake engineering institute here, says he sometimes feels like a doctor scanning a crowded hospital ward.

It is not so much the city’s modern core, where two sleek Trump Towers and a huge airport terminal were built to withstand a major earthquake that is considered all but inevitable in the next few decades. Nor does Dr. Erdik agonize over Istanbul’s ancient monuments, whose yards-thick walls have largely withstood more than a dozen potent seismic blows over the past two millenniums.

His biggest worry is that tens of thousands of buildings throughout the city, erected in a haphazard, uninspected rush as the population soared past 10 million from the 1 million it was just 50 years ago, are what some seismologists call “rubble in waiting.”

“Earthquakes always find the weakest point,” said Dr. Erdik, a professor at Bogazici University here.

Istanbul is one of a host of quake-threatened cities in the developing world where populations have swelled far faster than the capacity to house them safely, setting them up for disaster of a scope that could, in some cases, surpass the devastation in Haiti from last month’s earthquake.

Roger Bilham, a seismologist at the University of Coloradowho has spent decades studying major earthquakes around the world, including the recent quake in Haiti, said that the planet’s growing, urbanizing population, projected to swell by two billion more people by midcentury and to require one billion dwellings, faced “an unrecognized weapon of mass destruction: houses.”

Without vastly expanded efforts to change construction practices and educate people, from mayors to masons, on simple ways to bolster structures, he said, Haiti’s tragedy is almost certain to be surpassed sometime this century when a major quake hits Karachi, Pakistan; Katmandu, Nepal; Lima, Peru; or one of a long list of big poor cities facing inevitable major earthquakes.

In Tehran, Iran’s capital, Dr. Bilham has calculated that one million people could die in a predicted quake similar in intensity to the one in Haiti, which the Haitian government estimates killed 230,000. (Some Iranian geologists have pressed their government for decades to move the capital because of the nest of surrounding geologic faults.)

As for Istanbul, a study led by Dr. Erdik mapped out a situation in which a quake could kill 30,000 to 40,000 people and seriously injure 120,000 at the very minimum.

The city is rife with buildings with glaring flaws, like ground floors with walls or columns removed to make way for store displays, or a succession of illegal new floors added in each election period on the presumption that local officials will look the other way. On many blocks, upper floors jut precariously over the sidewalk, taking advantage of an old permitting process that governed only a building’s footprint.

Worse, Dr. Erdik said, as with a doctor’s patients, not all of the potentially deadly problems are visible from the outside, and thousands more buildings are presumed to be at risk. “Little details are very important,” he said. “To say that a building is in bad condition is easy. To say that one is safe is hard.”


काठमाणडु वा नेपालका असंख्य समस्याहरू:

निर्माण मापदण्डको अभाव

बिना योजनाको शहरीकरण

सुरक्षाका उपायहरूको शून्य उपस्थिति

उद्दार योजनाको सर्वथा अभाव

नोक्सान न्यूनीकरण , उपकरण र साधन स्रोतहरूको अभाव

सामुद्रिक मार्गबाट धेरै टाढा रहेकाले राहतको उपलव्धिमा समस्या

स्थानीय र छिमेकी मुलुकको मार्गबाट राहतको वितरणमा उच्चस्तरीय प्रविधिको परिचालनको सम्भावना नरहेको स्थिति ।


Nepalean said...

यस्तरी भुकम्पको सिजन चलिरहेको बेलामा भुकम्पिय रेखामा परेको नेपाल झक्झकिने समय आएको छ। हुन त काठमाण्डौ धेरै अबेवस्थित बसोबास अत्यधिक छ तर भुकम्पबाट बच्न या कम प्रभाव पार्ने खालका उपायहरु पक्कै निकाल्न सकिन्छ। यसतर्फ सरकारको ध्यान जाने त कहिले हो तर जनस्तरबाट भने पक्कै केही पहल गर्नुपर्छ।

कृष्णजीलाइ भुकम्पिय सम्बन्धी सामाग्री राख्नुभएकोमा धेरै धेरै धन्यबाद। यस्ता चेतनामुलक कुराले हामीलाइ भविष्यमा पक्कै केही सहयोग पुर्याउने छ।

Anonymous said...

Add something else to Kathmandu's trouble: lack of sea access to bring relief effort, unlike in Haiti and some of these other cities :(


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