September 19, 2008

के यो समाचार रिपोर्टिङ साँचो होला त ?

Fidel Castro has slept with 35,000 women

NEW YORK: Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro has slept with 35,000 women in his 82 year of life, according to an upcoming documentary.

"He slept with at least two women a day for more than four decades - one for lunch and one for supper," The New York Post quoted an ex-Castro official named "Ramon" as telling filmmaker Ian Halperin. "Sometimes he even ordered one for breakfast," the official said.

"I don't think he would have stayed on as long as he did if not for all the incredible women he had access to as president," the official added.

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz or Fidel Castro led his country from December 1959 until his resignation in February this year. Castro came to power as a result of the Cuban revolution that overthrew the dictator Fulgencio Batista, and shortly thereafter became Prime Minister of Cuba.

Although the US has tried hard to get rid of him, Castro outlasted no fewer than nine American presidents since he took power.

Source: Times of India (19/09/2008)


पीजी said...

म पनि अचम्म परें ब्रेकफास्टमा एउटा, लन्चमा एउटा अनि डिनरमा एउटा रे ! चियाको कुरा गरेको हो कि स्त्रीको कुरा गरेको हो म त झुक्किएं । अब हट्टा कट्टा हुंदा केहि गर्न नसकेको अमेरिकाले अहिले मर्न लागेको बेलामा प्रोपागाण्डा गरेको हो कि साच्चिकै हो बुझ्नै गार्हो ।

स्वाजिल्याण्डमा कुन राजाको पालोमा हो आफ्नो देशका सबै कुमारीहरुको कुमारित्व हरण उनै द्वारा गराउनु पर्ने चलन थियो रे । दिनमा ७ वटा सम्मको कर्म चलाउंथे रे । अब त्यो "सामान्ती" संस्कार र क्याष्ट्रोको "जनबादी" कर्तुतमा कहां फरक खुट्टयाउने ।

ठरकि दादा said...

Ha..ha... ha....

The report says "he has slept" so I think it may be true. As the report is not clear about any further activities after 'sleeping'.... I think there is nothing to doubt about it.

तर, एक दिनमा तिन तिन सिफ्ट त सुत्नै पनि अल्छी लाग्ने र निन्द्रा नलाग्ने होला जस्तो लाग्छ मलाई। यो त हाम्रा पुराणको कृष्ण पनि पछाडि पर्ने रिकर्ड भो नी हो!

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