June 18, 2010

Waiter, waiter! there is a fly in my soup.

वर्ल्डकपका कारण आजकल ब्लगमा लेख्ने समय फुटबलले ‘खान’ थालेको छ । यता ब्लगमा “टि टाईम जोक” नराखेको पनि धेरै भएछ । त्यसैले आज केही रमाइला ठट्टाहरु राख्ने जमर्को गर्दैछु ।

प्रश्न एउटै भएपनि त्यसका जबाफ भने भिन्न भिन्न र धेरै हुन सक्छन् । त्यस्तै एउटै प्रश्नका भिन्न भिन्न र रमाईला जबाफहरु आजको टि टाईममा। यो पुरै संकलनमा सुरुको प्रश्न भने एउटै छन, तर तीनका जबाफ सायदै हामीले सोचेजस्तो होला । ल हेर्नुस् त रेस्टुरेण्टमा सुपमा झीँगा परेपछी सोधिने प्रश्न र तीनका शानदार जबाफहरु :

Waiter, there is a fly in my soup !.
Don't worry sir that spider on your bread will soon get him !.

Waiter, what's this fly doing in my soup?
Um, looks to me to be backstroke, sir...

Waiter, waiter! There's a dead fly in my soup.
Yes, sir, they can't stand the boiling water.

Waiter, there is a fly in my soup !
Don't worry sir, they don't eat much !.

Waiter, there is a dead fly swimming in my soup !
Don't be silly, dead flies can't swim !.

Waiter, there's a fly on my soup.
Don't worry sir, there is no extra charge.

Waiter, there is a small fly in my soup.
I'm sorry sir, would you like me to get you a bigger one ? .

Waiter, there is a dead fly in my soup !
Yes sir, it's the heat that kills them !.

Waiter, what's this fly doing in my soup ?
It looks like it's learning to swim sir .

Waiter, there is a fly in my soup!
Sorry sir, maybe I've forgotten it when I removed the other three.

Waiter, there are two flies in my soup !
That's alright sir, have the extra one on me ! .

Waiter, there is a dead fly in my soup !
Oh no, who will look after his family !.

Waiter, there's a dead fly in my soup!
What do you expect for 200 Rupees - a live one? .

Waiter, there's a fly in my soup !
Yes, it's the rotten meat that attracts them ! .

Waiter, there is a fly in my soup.
I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know that you are vegetarian.

Waiter, there’s a fly in my soup.
That’s all right, sir, he won’t drink much.

र आखिरमा यो:

Waiter, there is a mosquito in my soup !
Sorry sir, we're out of flies today !

बाँकी पछि…..

Happy Weekend !


Nepalean said...

लास्टको चै मन पर्यो। त्यही भएर लास्मा राख्नुभाको? एउटै प्रश्न थरी थरी उत्तर, गजबै लाग्यो।

prelude said...

Ramailo lagyo!

Friendycalls said...

झिल्का छ !! गज्जब उत्तर :D

Prativa said...

Joke ramailo lagyo

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